Sunday 17 November 2013

BUDS- A Snowrider Weekend in Edinburgh

Day One

If i told you that I was going to spend the majority or 2 days on a very cold hill side in Edinburgh you would probably tell me that firstly I was mad and secondly, how could that be fun? Well originally I would have thought the same but throw in 40 Leeds Snowriders, plenty of incredible racing and freestyle skills for your eyes to witness along with fun with capes, cheesecake fights and a crazy antics, you find that your weekend is up there in the best of the year!
The View from the top

Henry Racing
We set of at 1am on Friday 8th November to a very rowdy coach, after eventually falling asleep I awoke to be sat outside a dry ski slope in the wonderful Scottish city of Edinburgh. After unloading we found our selves perched at the top of a very large hill, (it would need to be large if people are skiing on it) in the full sun of a very chilly morning. The races began and we cheered and wooped all day long. We were given some amazing tshirts and red capes to wear all day, which I definitely feel will need to come out more often. As the day came to a close, Iona was in the Freestyle final in which she performed AMAZINGLY. Then followed a quick bus ride and we arrived at our hostel.

The Caledonian Backpackers has got to be the nicest Hostel I have even stayed in, from breakfast being served (included in your stay) until 12 and all the rooms feeling personal and cosy it was an absolute treat to stay there. The added bonus that it really is about 15 steps away from the main high street just adds to its brilliance. We got back and after a quick change, some snowrider antics and a long walk we and the rest of the UKs snow sports teams headed to a club by the station. A fun night was had by all and far to many shots were consumed. I have never heard a DJ ask people to repeat what he does so many times in one night either!

Beauty everywhere

Day two- Exploring Edinburgh

How very Scottish
Instead of heading straight to the slopes some of us decided to wander round. As i have never been to Edinburgh I felt like it was a great opportunity to explore! We headed down the main street and got to see the beautiful memorial set as it was Memorial Day the following day (Sunday 10th November). We then wandered into some of the Scottish shops and the temptation for buying shortbread was very real.
After meeting some others we went to find lunch up at the cafe The Elephant House, where J.K Rowling famously wrote Harry Potter but as it was a Saturday Lunch time it was ridiculously busy. Instead we found ourselves in a little cafe further down the street whos hot chocolate were to dye for and you could get a toasty and a large bowl of soup for only £6!! A real bargain.

 I then went of exploring, I firstly found a quaint little book shop which smelt amazing and I bought myself a copy of Sense and Sensibility which is nearly 100 years old! I then wandered on to the castle. Its £16 to go into the castle and if I had had more than an hour I probably would have but even a trip to stand outside is definitely worth it as the views of the city are incredibly. I then wandered back along the river. We headed back to the cold hilltop slope later that afternoon and got to witness some of the boys racing in relay and then all the amazing freestyle including the RedBull train which involved incredibly talented freestylers taking to the air one after the other with no breaks. Sounds dangerous and definitely was!
No Hands

To finish the weekend of we all went to the BUDS ball where we were given a two course meal and an awards ceremony.  The meal was delicious but there were different rules that apply. The most entertaining is that for desert you are not able to use your hands. Eating cheesecake with just your mouth isn't always as easy as it seems and we were prewarned that a cheesecake fight often break out. Well this year didn't disappoint! This was then followed with the random game of who can pick the cup of the floor which was unfortunately a draw as we got down to picking up £2 of the floor. Although we may not have won any of the competitions we definitely won which university could have the most fun, and if I'm honest that suits me just fine!
Will covered in Cheesecake!

Overall the weekend was BRILLIANT. I got to meet so many amazing people, freeze my fingers of taking pictures, take part in sprints down Edinburgh's main street, carry round my purple blanket with me all day and generally have an amazing time.

If there's ever any doubt that a weekend in Edinburgh isn't  fun then you really are doing it wrong!!

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