Monday 24 November 2014

Babies, Babies Everywhere

The past two weeks seem to have flown by with hardly a moment to draw breath. Having been ill the past week has also meant that being in the field feels 10x harder.

Last week Onnika and Hannah both left and it was sad to see them go as they had both been here since I arrived, we also had a new predator assistant arrive along with new people at the barn so there has been a lot of change.

When we had to clim Mount Lajuma for Veg Plots
In the past two weeks both Samango monkey troops have had babies which are adorable but they are still clinging on to their mothers, hopefully in the next week or so they will begin to play and so the pictures will be better.
A Baby Samango and Family

The kittens are now over 8 weeks old, and the little boy has gone to his new home, the 3 girls are now living in Zoe and Liam's tent and from what I can tell, causing havoc.
The kittens before they left

The Vervet monkey babies are now walking (well, more like hopping) around on their own and attempting  to climb up tall trees under the watchful eyes of the troop and it has been fascinating to see them grow and develop into little characters.
The baby Vervet!

My days keep getting longer, due to the sunrise and sunset times this week. Because the Samango  monkeys were an hour away I was up at 3.45 and didn't get back until 19.30 and then having to upload data on the computer. You were lucky if you had eaten before 20.00 and then you had to do it all again the next day. This week our first scan is apparently going to be at 5.00am instead of 5.20 which is going to mean even less sleep than before. It's a tough life!

One thing I am really looking forward to is being able to sleep for a full weekend without the expectation to be out in the field for 15 hour days, this week we calculated that we had roughly done 50 hours (at least) and that was over 4 days! CRAZY.

A Bush Pig 
Our resident wild camp animal
The weather last week was horrendous with lots of rain and freezing cold nights but thankfully this week the sun has returned and as I am writing this I am sat in a bikini, yes a bikini in November!
This week I expect to be just as busy as the rest and who knows what suprises may occur out and about.


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